The Student Accommodation Code of Practice

LMH is signed up to the Universities UK Code of Practice for Managing Student Accommodation which protects your rights to a safe, good quality place to live. You can find out more about what this means for you as a resident here

We have an ongoing maintenance cycle for the College site which allows us to manage the upkeep of our accommodation; different buildings will inevitably be at different point on this cycle, but we aim to provide an acceptable base standard across our rooms and deliver a consistent service.

At LMH we commit to:

  • Providing a standard minimum set of furniture and fittings in each study bedroom
  • Maintaining the standard of furniture and fittings by checking and recording the condition/functionality of these annually and implementing a planned cycle of replacement
  • Maintaining College accommodation to a good standard of decoration/repair by checking and recording the condition of rooms annually and implementing a planned cycle of refurbishment
  • Meeting the required building regulations and maintaining health and safety standards
  • Maintaining a good standard of cleanliness through routine Housekeeping services
  • Providing an appropriate number of core facilities in each residential area
  • Delivering and maintaining key residential services across the site
  • Working sustainably to reduce our impact on the environment