Information for Leavers

The information on these pages sets out the key action points that you need to carry out before you leave LMH. We hope to make the last few weeks of your time here as easy as possible; if you have any questions or problems at all then please contact a member of staff in the appropriate department.



Accommodation enquiries: Tanya Hart 

Battels enquiries: Justyna Gabrowska 

Academic matters:

Visiting Student academic matters: visiting

Alumni Relations enquiries: Honor Dawkins-Stean Alumni Engagement & Events Officer


Key Dates

Please note the key dates and actions required:

1st Week     Wednesday     Accommodation and Battels payment deadline

4th Week     Monday         Vacation Residence Form emailed to students

5th Week     Friday            Deadline for completion of vacation residence form

8th Week     Wednesday    Accommodation and Battels payment deadline

8th Week     Saturday        Accommodation check-out for those without vacation residence (please refer to the leavers_checklist.pdf)