Cycling & Travel

LMH is committed to sustainable travel and encourages the use of energy efficient public and shared transport, bicycles and walking for everyone travelling to the College. By discouraging unnecessary travel and the use of private motor transport, we aim to reduce carbon emissions in line with our Environmental Sustainability Policy and reduce traffic and congestion in the Oxford area.

An Introduction to our Travel Plan

LMH has had a Travel Plan and Parking Policy in place since 2013, which defines our approach to supporting sustainable and active travel and managing parking and vehicles. The Plan has been comprehensively reviewed and re-launched for 2020, taking into account our Travel Survey results and consultation with stakeholders. The purpose of the plan has been updated to reflect current priorities and strategy, shifting the focus to reflect our organisational drivers of inclusivity, sustainability and fairness. Read the College's Travel Plan to find out more.

We have a number of initiatives to encourage cycling and public transport including participating in the Cycle to Work scheme and season ticket loans for staff, as well as a flexible working policy. We hold regular events, particularly duirng Green Week and Wellness Weeks, to promote sustainable travel such as pop-ups, free repair workshops and cycle lessons.



Cycling is one of the best ways to get around in Oxford. If you are bringing a bike to College make sure you have collected a bike tag from the Porters' Lodge and that your bike is correctly stored and locked in one of the racks provided - bicycles cannot be kept in rooms, hallways or houses but we have over 400 bicycle spaces on the College site. .The Lodge can also provide cycle pumps and tools for you to use free-of-charge, and our Porters' can recommend local cycle repair services. We also provide a space for charging batteries for electric bikes and scooters, as it is not permitted for these to be charged inside bedrooms or buildings. 

You can find out more about local bicycle routes, cycle schemes and initiatives here


Community Pool Bikes

LMH has a pool of Community Bikes, which are available for casual use for LMH staff and students. There is a small annual subscription (£12.50)to cover costs. Once paid, you'll be added to the booking system and all you need to do is book a bike for the time you need it and ride off!

If you want a bike for private use for the whole term we are working with OxBikes for longer bike hires.  A terms hire costs in the region of £34.  


Cars and motorcycles

Oxford City Council strongly discourages students from bringing cars in Oxford and expressly prohibits residents of some buildings from bringing vehicles into the city. LMH has no provision for student parking on the College premises, other than for disability requirements. Metered parking is available on some of the surrounding roads for short periods, and the College makes some designated spaces on site available for loading/un-loading at the beginning and end of terms. Graduate students resident in our Fyfield Road properties are no longer eligible to apply for an on-street parking permit from the local council.

Take a look at our full Travel Guide for more information lmh_travel_information.pdf