Faults that occur with anything in the living spaces or communal areas must be reported straight away – they won’t fix themselves or get better over time and our team of staff can usually mend them. Use the email address faults@lmh.ox.ac.uk to report all types of faults (include your room number for speed and efficiency).
Our Estates team are on site between 0800 and 1900 Monday to Friday and will usually attend to issues on a priority basis within those hours. For urgent problems that occur outside these hours we will bring contractors to site as soon as we are able to.
We hope things won’t go wrong but sometimes they do. You may be able to resolve the problem informally with a member of staff or the relevant head of the department and we’d encourage you to try that route first https://www.lmh.ox.ac.uk/current-students/key-contacts. If not the college has a complaints procedure which you can use.
If you’d like register what you consider to be unacceptable delivery of services linked to your accommodation you can do that formally through a form detailed on your accommodation agreement.
There are lots of people in the college whose work helps keep the buildings and building services working for our residents:
- The Bursary deal with the management and administration of the student residences
- The Porters’ Lodge cover the reception, security and mail handling (this team is on site 24/7/365)
- The Housekeeping Team keep the place clean and tidy
- The Estates Team maintain the buildings, fixtures and fittings.
- The computer networks are managed by our IT team
You can find contact details for all of them on our website https://www.lmh.ox.ac.uk/current-students/key-contacts