Frequently Asked Questions
When do I receive my Course Fee Invoice?
Tuition Fee Invoices are sent out in September to New Students only. If you are a returning student you will be able to see your Course Fee Invoice on your battels account.
I haven’t received an invoice, who should I contact?
If you have not received your Course Invoice or you need one for Funding purposes please email the Student Finance Officer on:
I am a fully funded student but I have received the Tuition Fee invoice, what do I do?
Please contact the Student Finance Officer and advise of the name and address of your Sponsor.
How do I pay my Course Fees?
You can pay your tuition fees by cheque, bank transfer (details on the intranet), UPAY payment or Credit/Debit Card in the Accounts Office or over the phone. Please do not send card details by email.
When do I need to pay my fees by?
Tuition fees are due in Full by Friday of 1st week of Michaelmas Term each year, unless you are on a Graduate Student Government Loan in which case you can pay in 3 equal termly instalments by Wednesday of 1st week of each term.
I am on a Student Loan but my Tuition Fees are showing up on my battels?
It is possible that your Student Loan information has not yet been completely assessed and the information has not been passed to the University. Don’t worry, just email the Student Finance Officer with a screen shot of your Student Loan account and the fees will be removed.
I am an international student and have paid my fees but there is still an amount outstanding?
The Bank charges about £12-£15 for international payments so please select the option that you pay ALL the charges when transferring money from abroad.
Student Finance Loans
I am a returning student, do I need to apply for my student loan again?
Yes you do. You need to apply for your Student Loan every year you are on course.
I am a returning student, but I haven’t received my student loan?
A student’s registration is confirmed with the SLC once you have enrolled. For returning students this means you will need to have completed the self-service online registration ( to be marked as enrolled on SITS/eVision, which will then trigger the University team to confirm your registration with the SLC. It is this registration confirmation that releases your maintenance payments.
This is my first term and my funding has still not come through but everything is approved?
When you arrive at College you will be required to Enrol on your first day. Once you have enrolled this information passes to the University who will advise your Student Loan Company. It is this registration confirmation that releases your maintenance payments.
What are battels?
Battels are all items (invoices or credits) applied to your College Account throughout the academic year. These will include Accommodation Charges, Course Fees, Scholarships and Awards, Printing charges, Fines etc.
How do I view my battels?
You view your battels on the LMH Intranet.
Login using your SSO at:
How do I pay my battels?
You can pay your battels by bank transfer (details on the intranet), UPAY payment or Credit/Debit Card in the Accounts Office or over the phone. Please do not send card details by email. You can pay everything in one lump sum.
When are my battels due?
There are 2 payment deadlines every term: Wednesday of 1st week and Wednesday of 8th week. All battels showing on your account are required to be paid on or before these dates.
I don’t know what this charge on my battels is for?
View your Battels Account on the LMH Intranet, if you click on the invoice/credit number it will give you more details about the charge/credit.
My battels are negative, what does that mean?
If your battels are negative it means you are in credit and do not owe the College any money at this point. Credit balances will remain on your account until needed. If you want the credit paid to your bank account please email the Student Finance Officer with your bank account details.
I have a credit/Scholarship on my battels, how do I access that money?
If you have a Scholarship it will be paid to you in termly instalments after Battels are deducted. You need to email the Student Finance Officer each term to request payment. Please include your bank account details with your first request.
If you wish your credit balance paid to your bank account please email the Student Finance Officer with your bank details on:
I have an Armorel Travel/ADF Award on my battels, how do I access it?
If you have one of these awards on your battels you can have it paid into your bank account (see credit balance above). You will need to produce receipts showing how the money was spent. If you have not undertaken the travel/conference due to Covid-19 then you should return these awards to College. Please contact the Student Finance Officer if you need more information.
I have been incorrectly charged for something, what do I do?
If you dispute any charges on your battels it is best to take it up with the relevant department first, e.g. charged for late check out – contact Bursary, fined for late library book – contact Librarian. If your query is still not resolved, please email the Student Finance Officer.
What is this JCR Charity Charges?
The JCR will invite you to donate to charitable events throughout the year. These items will appear on your battels as JCR Charity. If you need to query these charges, you need to do so with the JCR Treasurer.
What are MCR Subs?
An MCR Subscription charge is charged to every Graduate student annually for membership of the Middle Common Room. For more information please contact the MCR Treasurer.
What do I do if I can’t pay my battels by the Deadline?
If you are not able to make a payment deadline for any reason, please contact the Student Finance Officer prior to the deadline. Arrangements can be made for late payments if they are notified in advance and you will avoid the late payment fee.
Why have I been charged a late payment Fee of £20?
If you have been charged a late payment fee it means that you have failed to settle your battels account, or advise the Student Finance Officer that you are having trouble making payment, by the Payment Deadline despite numerous email reminders and a possible letter from the Treasurer/College Accountant.
What is UPAY?
UPAY is the cashless payment system we use in College.
How do I register?
Once your University Card has been activated you will receive a welcome email from UPAY with instruction of how to register your account. Please contact the Bursary if you have any queries regarding this.
I can’t login to my UPAY account?
The easiest way to login in is from the LMH Intranet. Under Uniware Account there is a link to UPAY. If your credentials are valid you will go straight through to UPAY. If they are not and you still have problems logging in please contact the IT department.
How do I add funds to my BodCard?
You can easily add credit to your account through Upay app or website. There is a UPAY link from the LMH Intranet under Uniware Account.
How do I pay my Battels using UPAY?
You can choose to pay your Battels using UPAY. From your UPAY account choose Payments from the Menu, then Battels Payments. Enter the sum you wish to pay and your Battels Account Number (beginning with S) in Any Other Information.
How do I get access to the money on my BodCard?
Before you leave College at the end of your course you need to close your UPAY account and all the remaining funds will be transferred back to your bank account.
Formal Halls
When are Formal Halls?
Formal halls are every Friday in Term Time.
How do I book in for Formal Halls?
You book into Formal Halls on the Upay website under Events. Booking opens at 9am on Saturday morning the week before.
How many FREE formal Halls do I get?
As an Undergraduate you are entitled to 2 free formals per year.
What happens if I need to cancel my Formal Hall Booking?
Bookings are cancelled via UPAY and need to be done within 24 hours of the event taking place. For any problems please contact the Catering Manager.
This is the first time I have had to budget, where can I get some advice?
If you need help or advice please pop in and see the Student Finance Officer. Justa can offer help in budgeting your monies. You can also refer to: Managing your finances | University of Oxford. A member of our JCR devised the MoneyPug, an easy-to-use LMH specific spreadsheet for help with budgeting. A copy of this can be received from the Student Finance Officer.
I am short of money what do I do?
Please speak to the Student Finance Officer who can advise you on how to apply for additional funds.
I need to attend an academic conference but don’t have the funding, is there any College support for this?
Yes. You need to apply for an Academic Development Grant. The committee meets in 5th week of every term. An email for applications will be sent out by the Academic Office in the first few weeks of every term.
Financial Support
I am really struggling financially who can I speak to?
Please contact Justa, the Student Finance Officer, who can offer guidance on financial support available. Justa will explain eligibility criteria and how to apply for either university or college support funding. She can be contacted on: