Your safety and security

Community Living

We try to keep rules about personal behaviour within College to a minimum, but we do have a few in place to try and reduce noise and disturbance, maintain safety and security and provide for emergencies. You can find a full copy of the College Regulations on the LMH Intranet (

The University's regulations and agreements also apply to students when in College.


Fire Safety

With several hundred people living in the College in a relatively small space, fire safety is paramount. The College is committed to fire safety and carries out many activities such as evacuation drills and emergency lighting tests to maintain a safe environment, however, we also need all members of our community to adhere to the instructions, guidance and rules in place. Key points to consider are:

  • Electrical safety - which is your responsibility for any equipment you bring in to College
  • Keep any doors marked as 'fire doors' shut at all times
  • Don't interfere with fire safety equipment or obstruct corridors and escape routes
  • Familiarise yourself with procedures and escape routes as soon as you can - you will find a fire safety notice in each room
  • Be sensible - candles and rice cookers are not permitted in bedrooms for a reason

If you discover a fire, break the nearest fire glass to sound the alarm and then leave the building by the nearest fire escape route - don't wait to collect belongings and don't use the lifts. Wait at your designated assembly point until you are informed that it is safe to return to the building.

Fire alarm testing is carried out every Monday between 1.15 and 2pm.


Health & Safety

The College site includes a variety of buildings of different ages, used by different people for a range of activities. Help us to keep the site safe for everyone by being aware of your surroundings and reporting any issues to When using electrical appliances you can minimise the risk of electrical shock by avoiding trailing leads and multiple socket adapters, make sure your appliances have the correctly rated fuse and have been PAT tested and check for signs of defects or fraying cables. If you suspect a gas leak, inform the Porters' Lodge immediately, and in the meantime open all doors and windows and don't smoke, use matches or electrical appliances.

Trained first-aiders are present on campus in case of emergencies, and you will see posters around College informing you of who these people are and how to contact them. All Porters are also fully trained in first-aid and use of the defibrilator which is kept at the Lodge. If you have an accident or near-miss in College please report it to the Porters' Lodge as soon as practical.



The College uses an electronic fob system to control access in and around the site and is committed to maintaining a secure environment. We ask all Members of the College and their visitors to help us by:

  • Ensuring doors are locked when rooms are not in use, and not keeping doors or windows artificially open - don't leave your bedroom unlocked, even for short periods
  • Reporting lost keys and fobs to the Lodge immediately
  • Not transfering keys or fobs
  • Alerting the Porters' Lodge to any suspicious people or activities - be aware of the people around you

If you are living in College you are permitted to have occasional non-paying overnight guests but you must sign them in at the Lodge, meet them at the Lodge on arrival and escort them out when you leave.


Lost property

If you discover any lost, left, or abandoned property within the College you should take this to the Porters' Lodge to be recorded and securely stored. This is also where to look if you have lost personal belongings yourself.