
Deneke Dining Hall

In term Hall is open as follows

Week 0 to Week 8:
                Monday to Thursday                8am-10am,       12pm-2pm,      6.00pm-7.30pm

                Friday                                         8am-10am,       12pm-2pm,      5.15pm-6.15pm

                Saturday                                    10am-2pm

                Sunday                                       Closed

Week 9:
                Closed after Friday lunch


Hall menus can be found in advance on the Intranet

visiting students evening dinner

At LMH we use a cashless payment system in our Dining Hall where transactions are charged to your account as you buy food using your University Card. Items are charged individually at a subsidised rate.

You need to activate your UPAY account to dine and book events.  A welcome email is sent to your new Oxford University email address when your university card is created or affiliated with LMH.  Follow the instructions in the email to activate your UPAY account.

You can then top the account up online at

Formal Halls and other events will also be booked using UPAY

In case of problems contact Wendy on

Average meal cost for each meal: Breakfast/brunch £5-£7, Lunch & Dinner  £6-£8

A choice of hot and cold dishes is always available, including our popular vegetarian and vegan options, and we can cater for specific dietary requirements.  

Formal Halls 7.15pm every Friday in full term (weeks 1 to 8): £16.00 for LMH members & £23.00 for guests. [Undergraduates, visiting (year abroad) students and Astrophoria Foundation Year students are entitled to two free formal halls per year; fee paying graduate students are entitled to three free formal halls per term].


The College Bar is located on the lower ground floor of the Talbot building and is open 7-11pm, 5 nights per week (Wednesday to Sunday), from the Wednesday of 0th week to the Friday of 8th week. Questions and feedback about the bar should be directed to the JCR Bar Officer at


Confectionary, cold drinks and refrigerated snacks are available from the vending machines on the Ground Floor of Wolfson North and Kathleen Lea. If you experience any issues with the vending machines, or have any ideas about what products you want to see featured, contact Sophie on