Managing energy consumption in the College
Although we have gas central heating at LMH we have also invested in our own green resources, having installed 4 PV arrays, solar collectors and ground source heat pumps. Last year the College also parterned with Oxford start-up EcoSync to install digital TRVs in a number of our historic buildings - this gives users more control over the temperature of their room and enables the College to better monitor and manage heating across the site. We continually work to make physical improvements to the site, refurbishing historic sash windows and replacing old light fittings, to further reduce energy use.
Energy and carbon are currently priorities for the College in our Sustainability Plan. In 2020 we are working to set a carbon target and action plan for the College as well as undertaking a major heating infrastructure review - watch this space!
What you can do
All College residents and visitors can help to make a difference through simple behaviour changes - take a look at our top tips below for ideas to start with. Every year students will also have the opportunity to take part in the Student Switch Off Campaign to win prizes through energy-saving competitions.